segunda-feira, dezembro 05, 2005

uma por dia...* #0


My girlfriend is so lovely that i can’t help feeling sorry for all her ex-boyfriends. I’m sure they must spend all their time thinking about her and wondering what she could be up to. So every month I send them a bulletin detailing all the pretty things she has said and done. Sometimes I enclose a discarded pair of tights, or the stub of an eyebrow pencil. I feel I should do everything I can to make up for them having lost a girl with such soft brown hair, and whose feet are so small you can hardly see them.

Anthropology and a hundred other stories :: Dan Rhodes

...nem sabe o bem que lhe fazia.

* De hoje em diante, qual serviço público, o caramelo publica uma pequena estória por dia. Sugestões de autores ou outro tipo de questões, favor dar uso à caixa de comentários.

3 comentários:

mike hunt disse...

i'd forgotten about that book, which you've actually offered me many years ago...
no real suggestions, but am looking forward to reading them again.

carlos paulo disse...


carlos paulo disse...
